The first Conflicting Odors album is tentatively titled either "Quantity Not Quality" or "Farting Over A Burnt Marshmallow." Recording has not begun yet and the tracks to be included have yet to be designated. ARSENAL -[ songs written by Michael The Arabian Aardvark with intention for usage by CO or possibly other bands ]- -[ active repertoire marked with an asterisk ]- -[ plus sign denotes that lyrics are available at lyrics page ]- -[ songs co-written by Michael The Arabian Aardvark, Atomic the Belarusian Bison, and Otis The Israeli Jackalope denoted by ~]- Alone Anti-Conform Ashes Weds'day* Asylum Ballad of My Childhood Beautification by Defecation Because I Love You Believe Bleeding Cheap Rip-Off of Bad Habit Clowns Condoms Conquered Crash Dastardly Assault Demo* Disregard* DIY Rant Don't Pee on Yourself* Down With Structure* Early Years Enslaved Hermit+ Epic* Farmer 15 Fog Induced Fove Her Luck Her* Friends, (We Are) Friends, (We're Not) Fu--* Gelid Generic Generation Generic Mainstream Get Hardcore on Your Arse* Hank The Drunken Dwarf Homo Sapiens I+ In Your Tree* Inactive JackA-- Pete & The MotherFu--ers Libby Dowe Lo Usaré Love Song Love The Animal Kingdom Mastur of My Domain Messages* Mirror* Motherfü--er Muppet Show Theme Song, The* My Heart Yearns for Your Touch in the Volcano of Loneliness While I Eat Mona Lisa's Cabbage Soup on Rye Bread With a TV and a Movie Screen, Yes, This Is Still The Title, The End, Sir~* Native Land* New Year's Party Theme No. Sou. Dakota Not Again* Numbered Cheer* Oedipal Old Yeller Out of Here Oy Paradise Perception Please Fu-- Off Please Ma'am* Pudge Rocker* Rangers* Reminiscing Rescind Revolt to Revert Rowdy Minyan Sarah Seafood Sexually Active Vegetarian Society, The* She Is My Goddess* Sh--* Slander Son-god+ Stand Up Straightedge Liberal Terminate the Galz Thank You, Mr. Mohel* Threads Are Torn Thwart The Wart Time to Rhyme To Sit Means...* Untimely Death ofSuzie The Rabbit Phone, The Voice Your Escape From The Farm WARdrobe Waves of Beauty* World Below Me You're A Nation Zife* |  |
Songs Performed at MusicFest June 8, 2001 Pudge Rocker Not Again She Is My Goddess Epic Native Land Ashes Weds'day My Heart Yearns for Your Touch in the Volcano of Loneliness While I Eat Mona Lisa's Cabbage Soup on Rye Bread with a TV and a Movie Screen, Yes, This Is Still The Title, The End, Sir Disregard PRIVATE BBQ PERFORMANCE: In Your Tree Don't Pee on Yourself Sh-t F-ck Blatantly Facetious Discombobulation (Luna 3 cover) Fove Her Luck Her Please Ma'am Songs Performed at Show on April 16, 2001 Epic Native Land Not Again To Sit Means... She Is My Goddess Demo In Your Tree Songs Performed at First Gig Mike's New Year's Party December 31, 2000 New Year's Party Theme In Your Tree Please Ma'am She Is My Goddess Messages ENCORE: Hank The Drunken Dwarf Disregard |