* vegetarianism & veganism- animals were not put on this Earth for food, clothing, science, or a culture of consumerism * straightedge- abstinence from smoking, drugs, promiscuous sexual activity, and irresponsible drinking * non-violence and mostly legal means for accomplishing all ideals * a reformation of our culture of apathetic consumerism * a new system of government, not instituting the misapplied titles of democracy or Communism, but actual ideals * concern for the environment * commitment to change in order to achieve it * influence through writing and music * a sense of humor persistent through the realization of how fu--ed up our world is * recognition that the victims of the symbolic Columbine incident were on all sides of the guns * birth control, without abortion as an equal option to contraceptives * alternative medicine and chiropractic prioritized over conventional medicine * peace * eradication of war as an acceptable practice for settling differences * recognition by all for the tranquility of art * apathy to the perception of the masses * freedoms beyond knowing 2 + 2 = 4 * realization of the profundity of simplicity * respect for all of G-d's living creatures that inhabit this Earth * recognition of the individual as not being a cliché * rage against the machine, not necessarily the band * New York Rangers as Stanley Cup Champions eternally |