to see pictures from newer shows, go to the "New Pics" section FROM THE CONFLICTING ODORS 4/16/01 SHOW 
Top, Left: Michael The Arabian Aardvark shows off his keyboard skills in "Demo" Top, Right: Aardvarksan enters looking rather ghetto for the one-word thriller "Epic" 
Above, Top: Michael The Arabian Aardvark plays the wrong part of the gee-tar in "To Sit Means..." Above, Bottom: Aardvarksan uses the special f-x pedal in "She Is My Goddess" 
Above, top: Aardvarksan tries to get the pick out of the center of the inferior gee-tar in "Not Again" Above, bottom: Michael The Arabian Aardvark speaks out in "Native Land," despite probably not being politically correct after all FROM THE FIRST CONFLICTING ODORS GIG 12/31/00 
ABOVE: MICHAEL THE ARABIAN AARDVARK left: during "New Year's Party Theme" ("now first thing's first, the Chocolate Starfish, it's my man Fred Durst") right: during "In Your Tree" 
ABOVE: Otis The Israeli Jackalope helps out his former band top: Otis TIJ's serenade to victims (Margy and Michelle of Luna 3) during "Please Ma'am" bottom: Otis The Israeli Jackalope sings as Michael The Arabian Aardvark plays the gee-tar in "She Is My Goddess" ... gotta love those special-effects! 
ABOVE: Back in black for the encore left: Michael The Arabian Aardvark sings "Disregard" with Atomic The Belarusian Bison playing his keyboard right: Aardvarksan sings "Hank The Drunken Dwarf," his parody of Papa Roach's "Last Resort" ("my name's Coby Dick, Mr. Dick if you're nasty") |